About Information Technology Competition

Cal Poly MISSA will be hosting our 29th annual Information Technology Competition. Compete to showcase your talents and skills to industry professionals.

Teams will given a case study to work on for three weeks prior to the actual competition day. They will be given 2 weeks to work on the deliverable and one extra week to work on the presentation. On the day of the competition, the teams will present the case and their solution to a panel of judges, where they will have their work judged and critiqued.

Overall timeline:

Competition day is April 26th for all cases!!
We will announce the rest of the schedule this coming Spring!
  • Cash prizes for each of the five case categories
  • Opportunities offered to past winners and competitors
  • Networking opportunities
  • Impress professionals with your skills and talents
  • Continental breakfast and lunch included
Team Requirements
  • Min. 3 per team (max. 5)
  • Max. 1 Grad student per team
  • Part-time students must take a minimum of 6 units
  • $100 entry fee per team
  • Resumes for all team members must be submitted at registration
  • Provide 1 point of contact for money/admin
  • No late submissions - no exceptions
Past Sponsors
Our Past Sponsors
Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
SoCAL Edison City National Bank DATA41 Protiviti
Avery Jim Horstman
& Ryan Lee
ISACA LA Avanade
HP Enterprise
Individual Donors

Be sure to check out ITC Bootcamp important files for more information on ITC.

For More Information

If you are interested in being a judge or need additional information, please contact our ITC Chair.

Dinan Sooriyaarachchi
